Intelligent system for diagnosing carbon footprint and climate change mitigation in the wine industry


The wine sector is particularly sensitive to climate change. To combat this, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, for which it is essential to know their origins and magnitudes. However, calculating the carbon footprint of vineyard and winery activities is complex, due to the large number and variety of emission sources. Moreover, the complexity of mitigation decision making is high, requiring not only technical, but also economic and even cultural knowledge and data.

In this context, the VID-EXPERT project has been launched, the main objective of which is to develop an intelligent system for diagnosing the carbon footprint and managing climate change mitigation in the wine sector. In other words, a tool for decision-making and monitoring.

The project methodology consists of several stages. In the first stage, a literature review was carried out in two areas: carbon footprint calculation methodology and available mitigation measures. On the one hand, the relevant variables for calculating the carbon footprint are selected and converted into questions in a questionnaire to be answered by a certain number of managers of wineries and vineyards of different typologies. Another questionnaire aims to find out about the processes involved in mitigation decision-making by companies in the sector. On the other hand, the available mitigation measures are put in relation to their effectiveness and cost-benefit ratio.

In the second stage, the data obtained are subjected to advanced statistical analysis. This will make it possible to establish a model of the process of calculating and managing the carbon footprint of wine companies. Finally, based on this model, an advanced software tool will be developed, tested and validated in several companies.

Reference: REGAGE22e00014712792

Duration: 01/2023 – 01/2025

Programme: Grants for the implementation of innovation projects of general interest by operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri), call 2022

Financing body: PNational Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

Total budget: 599,444€

EU Co-financing: 100%

Completed: 80%

Members of the consortium

Descriptive video

Project updates

Attendance at the 18th edition of the Enoforum fair in Zaragoza, the largest technical congress dedicated to the wine and oenology sector in Europe. Within the framework of the fair, a 50-minute presentation was given to present the latest advances of the project and the VID-EXPERT tool.



Attendance at the 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, held by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), an international organisation dealing with the technical and scientific aspects of viticulture and winemaking, from 5 to 9 June in Jerez de la Frontera and Cadiz.

A poster of the project has been presented to publicise the line of research. It shows the context, the objectives, the members of the task force, previous work, the methodology and the expected results.

Kick-off meeting of the project at UNE headquarters in Madrid, attended by all partners.
