To pay attention to energy is to identify opportunities for improvement and savings

We are energy experts: we help you identify opportunities to improve your energy supply, use less energy and be more efficient, incorporate renewable generation, reduce emissions, get certified and ultimately save money.

Understanding energy costs and identifying opportunities for improvement is key to ensuring security of supply at the best possible price and in the most sustainable way.

Find out about the services we provide:

Diagnosis to improve the contract with the electricity supplier: get the cheapest energy and adapt it to sustainability requirements (Guarantee of Renewable Origin).

Evaluation of the contracted power, in order to adapt it to the existing energy supplies and not to overpay.

Reactive power compensation: If reactive power overcharges are detected in electricity bills, it is necessary to check why they occur and compensate for them by installing condensing coils.

Diagnosis for the incorporation of renewable energy: generate your own clean energy to save on your electricity bill and be more sustainable. Always according to the particularities of each client: available space, power required, with or without connection to the grid…

We help municipalities, rural communities, energy communities and irrigation communities to manage their energy efficiently and economically.

We advise and manage the processing of grants and subsidies for energy efficiency, renewable energies, sustainable mobility and modernisation of equipment for the agricultural and agri-food sector, industry, commerce, local councils, etc. and individuals.

We carry out energy audits and manage the energy efficiency certification of buildings.

Development of plans to achieve the energy transition in companies and municipalities. That is: implementing energy efficiency measures, substituting fossil fuels, including electric mobility, etc., with the aim of reducing emissions and achieving economic savings.