Cost-effective small-scale renewable energy systems in the agri-food industry and rural areas: a demonstration in the wine sector


The final objective of the REWIND project, within the European LIFE programme, is to demonstrate that, in the agricultural sector and in rural industry, the use of renewable energies is technically, environmentally and economically viable, using the wine sector as a demonstrator. In addition, to promote its use as a common option.

Specific objectives

  • Systematise information on renewable resources and energy demand and identify key parameters to facilitate their future use.

  • To develop a diagnostic software application, applicable to any specific case in the agricultural sector.

  • Develop a technical dimensioning software application that overcomes the limitations of current methods.

  • Demonstrate and validate the results/actions of the project in a concrete case of the wine sector, with prototypes of renewable energy systems for agriculture (vineyard) and winemaking (winery).

  • Disseminate the project and results widely.


Reference: LIFE13 ENV/ES/000280

Duration: 07/2014 – 07/2017

Programme: LIFE, Climate Action, Climate Chante Mitigation

Financing body: LIFE Programme, CINEA

Total budget: 1,562,994€

EU Co-financing: 676,265€ (50%)

Project completed


  • Demonstration installation in the vineyard. Hybrid system (photovoltaic-diesel) with electric accumulation and hydrogen production, to power the pumping of a drip irrigation system in a vineyard. The surplus energy is used for the production of H2 by electrolysis of water, which is used by a multi-purpose work vehicle adapted with a fuel cell.

  • Demonstration installation in a winery. Renewable generation system to supply the electricity demand of a section of the winery, the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant), working for self-consumption both isolated and connected to the grid, to reduce the total consumption of electricity from the grid.

Members of the consortium

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Descriptive video

EN V Co-funded by the EU